Cyber Threat Hunting Services

Proactive cyber threat intelligence and threat hunting

Proactively hunt for cyber threats and fight adversary dwell time. CyberSecop Cyber Threat Hunting service improves detection rates and accelerates time to detect, investigate and remediate threats. Cyber threat hunting is an emerging discipline that focuses on hunting down advanced threats to keep your business safe.

IT has been proven repeatedly that cybersecurity products alone are not enough to protect organizations from cyber threats. That’s why CyberSecOp Threat Hunting Service offers an in-depth proactive approach using defense-in-depth tools and human analysis. Our Threat Hunting team can quickly identify advanced persistent threats and reduces the risk of a missed attack or large-scale attack.


Cyber Threat Hunting Team

Cyber Threat Hunting involves proactively monitoring, testing and examining information systems to discover threats that may evade detection by automated security tools. CyberSecOp provides these services to proactive hunt for threat since most breach goes unknown for months and in some cases for years.  Our Cyber Threat Hunting services provide you the client with ongoing threat hunting and remediation services. Cyber Threat Hunting can be used during an incident response, but most of our clients use the Cyber Threat Hunting services for proactive prevention and detection of possible cyber threats. Cyber Threat Hunting is different from incident response, which occurs in reaction to an alert from internal, external tools and resources, cyber threat hunting is just that hunting.

Cyber Threat Hunting Methodology

  1. Prepare: Set up the environment for the successful completion of the engagement.

  2. Deploy: Deploy required information and installing sensors or in-scope systems.

  3. Collect: Collect data from in-scope systems, reporting on and assisting in resolving sensor coverage gaps.

  4. Analyze: Investigate possible indicators of compromise, assessing the likelihood or nature of a suspected compromise, and collaborating with customers to establish context and eliminate false positives.

  5. Report: Document the engagement and its conclusions.

Cyber Threat Hunting MDR

We deploy our Managed Detection and Response (MDR) and Security Operation Center (SOC) intelligence systems and services to aid with hunting for threats across our client networks and endpoints.

Managed Threat Hunting: Reinforce your security team with our threat hunters, security analysts, tailored threat intelligence reports, guided Incident Response (IR), aid in the creation of an incident response plan, and compliance services.

  1. 24/7 monitoring, triage, and investigation

  2. User and entity behavior analytics (UEBA)

  3. Baselining and optimization of security technologies

  4. Reviewing and applying threat intelligence

  5. Configuring custom rulesets and watchlists to flag anomalies

  6. Root cause and kill chain analysis

What Is Cyber Threat Hunting  

Instead of trying to infiltrate the environment from the outside as it happens during penetration testing, cyber threat hunters work with the assumption that adversaries are already in the system. They carefully analyze the whole environment, use behavioral analysis and a hypothesis-driven approach to find unusual behavior that may indicate the presence of malicious activity.

Cyber threat hunting facilitates the early detection of attacks that bypass traditional network defenses, using security assessment, known vulnerabilities, penetration testing, root cause, and forensic analysis to remediate active threats and prevent intrusions from occurring in the future.

CyberSecOp Security Threat Detection Team provides 24/7 threat monitoring by analyzing network and user behavior, while you receive alerts and reports of critical observations and actionable security intelligence. Security Consulting, Threat and Vulnerability Assessments, Security Audits, Security Training Services, Security Master Plans, Security Policy and Procedure Development, and Securing Intellectual Property.