Penetration Testing and its Benefits

Understanding your vulnerabilities through vulnerability and penetration testing can play an essential role in your firm’s security. We recommend the steps below to sideline these threats:

 Discover if your systems are prepared for a cyber-attack

A security expert or ethical hacker will launch a simulated attack using external and internal attacks on your servers, web apps, wireless networks, intranets, network devices, mobile devices, and any other entry point.

 Reporting with findings on vulnerabilities in your systems

Once the simulation is complete, the security team will present reports of their findings and recommend the next steps for securing your systems. Since there are several potential entry points into your plans, the team will attempt to exploit those vulnerabilities. 

Know where your weaknesses lie and patch up those vulnerabilities before they can be exploited

Conduct an IT penetration testing to identify gaps in your security system, problems with your IT security policy, and vulnerabilities in your firewall and or antivirus. You will obtain a report with all the problematic access points in your system and suggestions for hardware and software improvements. The test will help you determine if you may need to upgrade your Firm’s security.

Internal vulnerabilities

Whether a disgruntled employee or accidental, internal vulnerabilities can be a window for malicious actors to exploit.

Not all Ethical Hackers are created equally

Be sure to hire the most seasoned experts in the field. Your ethical hacker will attempt to exploit the vulnerabilities as a real hacker would – but the effectiveness of the penetration test will ultimately depend on the amount of experience the engineer has.

 Once is not enough

As we know, hackers have been becoming increasingly bold with their techniques to infiltrate the most sophisticated systems yet, as proven in the Sunburst Hack; therefore, CyberSecOp recommends testing your systems quarterly and keeping up with systems patches and updates.

CyberSecOp offers:

CyberSecOp has security experts with a combined experience of 40 years. Ask about our pen test sample report.